
just another reason why

Every year more than ONE HUNDRED MILLION sharks are slaughtered. Three sharks die every second. They are caught and beaten to death. Their fins are cut off for an Asian luxury soup. Any shark will do. The rest of the shark is thrown away. Fins are only four to seven percent of the whole. But fining is profitable, lucrative. One thousand pounds of fins brings about one hundred United States dollars to the fisherman. But restaurants pay up to four thousand U.S. dollars for 2.2 pounds of fins. It used to be that big sharks were common over five hundred pounds. But now it has become harder and harder to find the big ones. This cuts down the breeding population, causing even less being born. Finning is prohibited in U.S. territorial waters, this is not enough. Only a handful of countries have introduced fining restrictions: Canada, Brazil, Spain, Costa Rica, Israel, South Africa, Mexico, England, Namibia and the Philippines. Kudos to all those countries mentioned.

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